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What is the process of retrieving PAF ROTC serial number?
Where are the offices of Philippine Air Force located for applying as the reservist?1st Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, Colonel Jesus Villamor Air Base, Pasay City. 2nd Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, Clark Air Base, Mabalacat City, Pampanga 3rd Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, Fernando Air Base, Lipa City, Batangas 4th Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, ABAB, Palawan 5th Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, Mactan, MBEAB, Cebu City 6th Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, EAAB, Zamboanga City 7th Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, TOG 11, Davao City 8th Air Force Reserve Center, AFRC, PAF, TOG 10, Cagayan De Oro
What are the legal basis for the organization and development of the reserve force?The following are the legal basis of the organization and development of the Reserve Force: The 1987Constitution “provides that the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall be composed of a Citizen Armed Forces who shall undergo military training and serve as may be provided by law. It shall keep a regular force necessary for the security of the State.” Republic Act 7077 (AFP Reservist Act of 1991) – It is an act providing for the development, organization, training, administration, maintenance and utilization of the citizen Armed Force of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and for other purposes. Implementing Rules and Regulations to RA 7077. Guiding principle in the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security of the state and in fulfilment thereof, the government may require its citizen to render personal military or civil service. Republic Act 7898 of the AFP Modernization Act calls for the development of a self-reliant and credible strategic armed force along the concept of a “Citizen Armed Forces” of the Philippines structure and the professionalization of the AFP. National Defense Act of 1935 Commonwealth Act No.1 otherwise known as the National Defense Act provides that during national emergencies, the government has the right to mobilize it’s citizens resources, either public or private as may be deemed necessary for national defense.
What is Republic Act 9163?Republic Act 9163 is an act establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for tertiary students, amending for the purpose of Republic Act No. 7077 and the Presidential Decree No. 1708 and for other purposes. The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program was made optional and voluntary upon effectivity of this Act.
What is the mission of the Reserve Force?The mission of the Reserve Force alternately referred to as the Citizen Armed Force are: To provide the base for the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of war, invasion or rebellion; To assist in relief and rescue during disasters or calamities; To assist in socio economic development; To assist in the operation and maintenance of essential government or private utilities in the furtherance of the overall AFP mission.
How is the Reserve Force organized?The Reserve Force shall be organized into five (5) components namely: (Sec. 8 RA 7077) Army Reserve component Air Force Reserve component Navy Reserve component AFP – Wide Technical Service Reserve component Affiliated Reserves
How are Reservist categorized?There are three (3) categories of AFP reservists: First category reserve is composed of able-bodied reservist whose ages are between eighteen (18) years and thirty-five (35) years inclusive Second category reserve is composed of able-bodied reservist whose ages are between thirty-six (36) years and fifty- one (51), inclusive Third category reserve is composed of all able- bodied reservists who are above fifty-one (51) years of age.
What are the classifications of the Reserve Force Unit?There are three (3) classifications of the Reserve Force Units: 1. The Ready Reserve The Ready Reserve is composed of citizen soldiers belonging mostly to the first category reserve. The Second Category Reserve and/or the Third Category Reserve, particularly the commissioned and non- commissioned officers who volunteer to serve with the ready reserve shall be allowed if qualified and fit for duty to join and actively participate as part of the ready reserve and will serve with an appropriate ready reserve unit. Members of the AFP affiliated reserve units of various government and private utilities and services considered essential for the preservation of the economic stability of the country or particular locality such as power and electricity, water supply, transportation and communications among others regardless of their categorization will be classified as ready reserve. All citizen soldiers belonging to the first category reserve except those exempted under this act shall be required to serve with ready reserve units and will have assignments and promotion in accordance with existing policies of the AFP until transferred to the standby reserve by virtue of their age 2. The Standby Reserve The Standby Reserve is composed of citizen soldiers belonging mostly to the second category reserve and the third category reserve. The members of the standby reserve shall be organized and assigned to specified reserve units and shall be maintained through annual assembly test to update their records and their present address and among others. 3. The Retired Reserve Retired Reserve is composed of citizen soldiers who have qualified for retirement through length of service, old age or disability. For this purpose, sixty-five (65) years shall be considered as retirement age. However, if qualified and fit for duty , a member of the retired reserve may be ordered to active duty in times of local or national emergencies if he volunteers for active duty and when the Secretary of National Defense determines that there are not enough qualified citizen soldiers with his skills and qualifications in the reserve or the standby reserve in his particular area of residence.
What units and/or offices administer and manage AFP Reserve Force?The Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Reservist and Retiree Affairs, J9; the Major Services 9s, the Major Services Reserve Command and the AFP Reserve Command administer and manage the AFP Reserve Force. J9 has coordinative authority with the members of the Joint Staff and government and non-government agencies whose functions are related in the development of the AFP’s Reservists and Reserve Force Development functions. J9 has functional supervision over the following AFP components in their Reservists and Retiree Affairs Programs. Armed Forces of the Philippines Reserve Command (AFPRESCOM). Major Services Reserve Commands through their respective Major services Assistant Chiefs of Staff for Reservist and Retiree Affairs.
Who/what is a Reservist?Reservist is also alternately referred to as citizen soldiers are those individuals who compose the AFP Reserve Force and are incorporated as follows: Commissioned Officers under Cir 30 s-87, Procurement and Appointment of Reserve Officer. Cir 6, Commissioning of elected Government Officials and Presidential Appointees in the Reserve Force, AFP. Graduates of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Basic and Advance courses that were issued orders as enlisted reservist or officer reservist of the AFP Graduates of authorized basic military training/ instructions, that as result thereof, were issued orders as reservists of the AFP Ex-servicemen of the AFP who were honorably discharged or retired from the service and who are Filipino citizens Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Personnel under the Affiliated Reserves category and civilian graduates of the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) who were commissioned in the AFP Reserve Force Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Personnel under existing laws including those procured under Project 36-70 and are included in the present AFP roster before the enactment of RA 7077 and those to be commissioned or enlisted in the Reserve Force after the enactment of said Act.
What are the roles of Reservist?The following are the roles of Reservist: Peacetime Role- During peacetime, reserve forces are developed hand in hand with the active force through career development, unit training and participation in military exercises. They are also utilized in ISO, CMO and intelligence collection. Crises- During Crises, Ready Reserve Force units are utilized in nation-building activities like MEDCAP, Disaster operation and rehabilitation operation Wartime Role- During wartime, Reserve Forces shall be utilized to provide service support and base defence and provide combat forces as needed arises.
What is Articles of War?The Articles of War are the basic laws that govern all military personnel.
Are the Reservists covered by the Articles of War?Reservists undergoing training or those called to active duty training are covered by Articles of War.
What is the existing policy on the Reservist Identification System?AFPR G 121-243, subject: AFP Identification Card System dtd 12 Jan 1999 The AFP Identification Card System aims to regulate the issuance of identification cards to military personnel and their dependents, P2Lts, civilian employees, reservists, retired and/or separated military personnel to include their direct dependents The Identification Card identifies the bearer whether he/ she is an active/ retired or separated member of the military organization, his/her duty status, and/ or his/her relation to a bonafide member of the Armed Force
Who facilitates the processing of reservist identification card?Respective Major Service, RESCOM and AFPRESCOM do initial processing and the accomplished forms are transmitted to Major Services Adjutant and OTAG, GHQ AFP, respectively.
What are the requirements in applying for Reservist Identification Card?Enlistment/ Appointment Orders Proper Endorsement by Major Services/ AFPRESCOM thru channel Must secure control number from Major Services/ AFPRESCOM and OJ9 For AFP Identification System- Biometrics 2x2 Picture in proper uniform - GOU
Are Reservists entitled to Military Awards, Medals and Ribbons?"Yes, they are entitled to receive military awards, medals and ribbons just like ordinary soldiers provided they are covered by appropriate orders.
What are the Sources of Reserve Officers?The following are the Sources of Reserve Officers: Group I – Degree holders who are Advance ROTC graduates or have successfully completed the prescribe program of instruction for the Probationary Officer Training Course (POTC/MS 43) conducted by the Major Services RESCOMS. Group II – NCOs/POs of the of regular force with outstanding records of service and technical experience and those who have rendered exceptional services in combat or other activity involving risk of life or limb in consonance with provisions of RA 718. Rendered exceptional service and demonstrated either outstanding administrative ability as substantiated by an outstanding rating in the EP Evaluation Mark, or exceptional courage and leadership in operations duly substantiated by a Commander’s endorsement and service record of the concerned NCO which consistently reflect position of leadership. Earned in capacity as key personnel in a combat/related operation and for singular and authentic heroic/exemplary action, any of the awards/decorations as specified below: Named as AFP/Major Service/GHQ & AFPWSSU’s and United Command Enlisted Personnel Soldier of the Year. At least one (1) of the following: Medal of Valor Distinguished Conduct Star Gold Cross Medal Outstanding Achievement Medal Any two (2) of the Following: Kawal Award Gold Medal Bronze Cross Medal Distinguished Navy Cross Distinguished Aviation Cross Philippine Legion of Honor Gawad sa Kaunlaran Sagisag ng Ulirang Kawal Any three (3) of the following: Military Merit Medal with spearhead device Silver Wing Medal Two of the above plus any of the awards enumerated in the preceding sub-paragraph to complete the required three (3) awards. Group III – Degree holders requiring four (4) or more years of study in the courses of interest to the AFP and who are graduates of the basic ROTC as specified: Holders of degree/s whose courses are of interest to the Philippine Air Force which require four (4) or more years of study, graduates of Basic ROTC or equivalent pre-commission training, and passers of appropriate government licensure examination such as: Engineering Discipline leading to aeronautics, communication and electronics, mechanical, industrial, geodetic, computer, architecture and meteorology. Bachelor of Arts/ Education Leading to Mass Communication, General Science, Journalism and Broadcasting, Mathematics, Social Studies, Literature and Project Management. BS Accountancy BS Education And such other courses whose profession who have been acknowledged as experts in their professional and technological fields, including inventors, scientists and captains of industries. Group IV – Graduates of the Master in National Security Administration (MNSA) conducted by the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) in consonance with the provisions of PD 190. Group V - Key and Technical personnel of vital government and private utilities which have been affiliated in the Reserve Force, AFP in consonance with provisions of Sections 10 and 31 of RA 7077
Who are Line and Affiliated Reservist?Both Line and Affiliated Reservists were commissioned (under Circular 4) and enlisted through pre-entry training (BCMT for Line and MOT for Affiliated) however, Line Reservist are assigned to Air Force Wing Reserve while Affiliated Reservist are those members of PAF Affiliated Reserve Units.
What initial commission rank can be given to Reserve Officers?The initial commission rank given to Line Officers is from 2LT to LTC. depending on the qualification of the applicant as stipulated in Circular 4. For Members of affiliated Reserve Units, it will depend on their current position in their respective company commensurate to the approved Military Organization.
What is the initial commission rank awarded to graduates of NDCP?The initial commission rank awarded to graduates of NDCP is LTCOL pursuant to Section 7 of Presidential Decree No. 190 and Section 7(a) of Presidential Decree No. 452 as amended.
What is the commissioned rank of Advance ROTC Graduates?Those who are successfully completed the advance ROTC course POTC shall be recommended for commission in the Reserve Force as 2nd Lieutenant.
What rank is awarded to graduates of the basic ROTC?Graduates of basic ROTC shall be given the rank of Airman/ with corresponding serial number and assigned to reserve unit and mobilization centers in their provinces.
What is the disposition of those basic ROTC in the PAF Reserve Force?Basic ROTC graduates shall automatically be part of the Pool of Reserves but their names shall be carried in the roster of Standby Reserves unless they signify to serve in the Ready Reserve.
How can a non-graduate of ROTC become a Reservist?The non- graduate of ROTC can voluntarily apply to nearest Air Reserve Centers to join the Basic Citizen Military Training in order to become a Reservist.
Is the ROTC optional to tertiary students?The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) was made optional and voluntary upon the affectivity of RA 9163 or known as National Student Training Program (NSTP) Law of 2001.
What are the benefits due to an Incorporated Reservist?An incorporated reservist has the chance to take professional military education courses, join the AFP in the conduct of civic and public affair activities and receive commensurate awards and medals. Likewise, they will be provided with appropriate identification cards.
How is the evaluation and appreciation of the reservists conducted?Evaluation and appreciation of reservist is made through the conduct of regular assembly test and mustering.
How is a Reservist Officer promoted?The following are the requirements for promotion: Reservists Officers must have attained the minimum time-in-grade for promotion to each grade. A Reservist Officer eligible for promotion must have satisfactorily completed the required career course.
What is time-in-grade?This refers to the minimum number of years in specific rank/grade required for promotion to the next higher rank/ grade.
What are the requirements for promotion in rank?A Reservist Officer eligible for promotion must have satisfactorily completed the required career courses must have attained the minimum time-in-grade for promotion to each grade and must be recommended by the RESCOMs Commanders.
What are the career courses prescribed for promotion in rank?The following are the required career courses: Basic Air Force Officer Course (BAFOC) Squadron Officer Course (SOC) Command and General Staff Course (CGSC) Master in National Security Administration (MNSA)
How do Enlisted Personnel get promoted?The following are the requirement for Enlisted Personnel Reservists Promotion: 1. Candidate for promotion must be carried in the roster of any of the reserve units under the promotion authority 2. Must attain the educational qualification, length of service and time-in-grade requirements. 3. Satisfactorily completed in his present grade any of the following: Annual Active Duty Training Active Duty Training Advance ROTC Assembly Test/ Exercise 4. Any other active duty training of not less than seven (7) days in duration prescribed by the promotion authorities 5. Occupying or is being earmarked to occupy a TO/TD position calling for at least the grade to which he is being promoted and must possess the skills/ qualification required by TO/TD position 6. Must be able-bodied and physically fit for general military service 7. No pending case or derogatory record against him Major Service Commanders shall be the promotion authority to reservist enlisted Personnel assigned to a particular Major Service Command (Circular No.1 dated 15 Jan 2001)
What is mobilization?Mobilization is utilization of the Reserve Force in times of emergency to meet any threats to national security.
What is a Mobilization Center?Mobilization Center is a specified area in the province designated by the Secretary of the National Defense in consultation with local executives where the Reservist will report upon mobilization.
What is Full Mobilization?Full mobilization is activation of all units of the Ready and Standby Reserves through the joint act of Congress and the President. The entire Reservist is called to active duty and the units activated are placed on operational readiness.
What is Partial Mobilization?Only the units of Ready Reserve are necessary to meet the threat will be activated. The Reservist assigned to this unit is called to active duty and the activated units are placed on operational readiness. The activation is through the joint act of Congress and the President. The President will specify the units to be activated.
What is Selective Mobilization?Selective Mobilization by authority of the President may be ordered to meet a local threat or emergency situation. When so ordered, only selected Ready Reserve Units of the localities involved are activated and the Reservist assigned to them are called to active duty.
What is Status of Reservist under Mobilization?An Officer or Enlisted Reservist when called to active duty by virtue of mobilization shall receive all the pay and allowances, medical care, hospitalization and other privileges and benefits prescribed by law or regulations for Officers and Enlisted Personnel of the regular force.
What is Demobilization?When the threat or emergency for which mobilization had been ordered has passed, the President shall order the demobilization of the Reserve Units activated and the Reservists of such deactivated units shall be reverted to inactive status.
When can a Reservist or Reserve Unit be utilized?Reservists or Reserve Unit shall be utilized to render service to their respective localities during periods of calamities and when there are threats to peace and security. Reservists or Reserve Unit shall be utilized for the defense of their respective localities in support to AFP operations and as dictated by the prevailing peace and order conditions. In case of local emergency situations, qualified Reservists may volunteer to serve either as civil or military service. The utilization of Reservist or Reserve Unit in cases of local emergencies and grave peace and order situations shall be as prescribed in a memorandum of agreement to be issued by the SND and the DILG for this purpose.
What is an Affiliated Reserve Unit?Affiliated Reserve Units are private and government entities, corporations, establishments and organizations at national, provincial and municipal levels which provide essential public services such as water, light, transportation and communications which are necessary to support the prosecution of national defense plans or to meet an emergency and thereby organized as affiliated Reserve Unit as approved by the President upon recommendation of the Secretary of the National Defense.
Who approves the affiliation of certain government and private entities as Affiliated Reserve Units?The approval of the affiliation of certain private and government entities as affiliated units of the Reserve Force is given by the President of the Philippines through the recommendation of the SND.
What is Auxiliary Service?For the purpose of helping maintain local peace and order, meeting local insurgency threat, assisting in rescue and relief operations during disasters and calamities, health welfare activities and participating in local socio-economic development projects, the President of the Republic of the Philippines may call upon the Reservists in the affected or concerned localities to volunteer their services. Such voluntary services shall be referred to as auxiliary service and shall be of two (2) types namely: Civil Auxiliary Service- It covers services rendered in helping maintain local peace and order, assisting in rescue and relief operations, participating in socio-economic development projects, delivery of health services and any non- military activity. Military Auxiliary Service- It covers services rendered in meeting local insurgency threat. Reservist serving under this category will be organized into Ready Reserve Units. They must be issued and allowed to carry firearms; provided that these Reservists will be utilized only for the defense of their respective localities and will not be employed outside their localities. Elected/ Appointed Local Government Officials are expected to perform their duties and responsibilities in their respective peace and order council levels or similar organizations efficiently and effectively to enhance a total integrated system approach against threats to national security.
What are the allowances and benefits due to a reservist on Auxiliary Service?A Reservist performing auxiliary service shall not receive pay but shall be entitled to receive allowances and burial benefits as provided by law. A reservist serving military auxiliary service is subject to military law whereas, a reservist serving civil auxiliary service is not.
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